
IP and VoIP Systems

Many application now a changing to VoIP / SIP / IP systems as the Company can use their existing infrastructure including their fibre optic network.

IP Based PA Systems Emergency or Standard PA Paging Systems can now easily be done in the IP environment making use of exiting network and fibre options throughout a site large or small. The units offered are designed for ease of instal, use and expansion.
IP Alarm Systems These IP Alarm Systems are taylored to specifically carter for customeers needs and can be incorporated in to PA Systems, Voice Call along with tone and visual alerts etc.
Remote Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Industrial and Council sites are oftwen unmanned or only manned in a very adhoc manner. SCADA helps them by continously advising a control centre the status of the site whether there is an alarm or that the site is in working or normal condition.

All the above can now be achieved via LAN, WAN, Internet, GSM, Long Range DECT and other means to access and control data at remote unmanned sites.

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