ControlByWeb IoT

WebRelay-10 Industrial Plus 10SPDT Relays 2Inputs


The full featured WebRelay-10 Plus™ has all the features found on WebRelay-10™, plus much more. Additional features include an event scheduler, customizable email alerts, two discrete inputs, device logging, and remote temperature and/or humidity monitoring.

Features:- Applications:-
  • Event scheduler with yearly calendar. Schedule up to 100 events.
  • Customizable email alerts.
  • Up to three temperature and/or humidity sensors can be added for environmental monitoring (one temperature sensor included).
  • Dry-contact sensors or switches can be connected for local control of relays or for monitoring external devices.
  • Logging; log relay changes, events, Modbus requests, high/low temperatures, input changes, network traffic, and more.
  • Real-time clock, can automatically adjust for daylight savings time, sync with NTP server.
  • System log provides detailed diagnostic information.
  • Simple scripts can be written in BASIC for advanced functionality.
  • Configure manually or with DHCP.
  • Irrigation Controller
  • Lighting Controller
  • Industrial Automation
  • Car Wash Control
  • and much more

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Code: X-WR-10R12-IP Enquire